Earlier Zone

Ulti is such a fun game. Tonight our timeslot was at 7:30. I think I prefer playing in the earlier slot, but with family, later means I can help around the house more.

The game itself was tough since it was pretty windy. We were zoned many times which is fine if the team can handle it. Our team is pretty green so it is hard to teach them quick enough to keep up. We did ok though and played more than a few points very well which wasn’t reflected in the score ( 13-0 not for us).

I was handling a lot tonight which is great since less running is necessary. On one point when we were applying the zone, I was in the long position directing the mids. Never done that before, so that was pretty cool. This is only the second game though, and I don’t have everyone’s names down yet. Its getting better though.

I think I played pretty good. I was catching very well, my throws were pretty decent with a few bad ones due to the wind, and my defence was alright. Still working on the cardio which will greatly improve my games. It would help if there were less guys on the team and I got more playing time. Can’t have everything though.

I like the team I am playing and already I am looking forward to the next game.

Hammer Disc

Ulti on Wednesday was fun. I am still trying to learn everyones names, and to try and help some of the newer players learn how to play. Whenever I get out on the field, I am always surprised at how quickly the game comes back to me. My throws during warm up felt completely natural, and I even threw a perfect hammer for a point during the game.

My biggest problems are the team size (specifically the number of men), and my fitness level (the whole reason I joined the summer league). The league is 4-3, meaning 4 men 3 women on the field. With the abundance of men on each team, this means lots of sideline time. Good right now when I can’t play more than a couple points, but bad when later in the season I want more play time.

I worked up a good sweat on Wednesday, so that was good. I took it easy during the game though, tried not to get involved in too many sprints or hard chases, kept my feet moving, and handled the disc when I could. It all comes back like riding a bike.

The weather was perfect Wednesday too. The sun was trying to peak out from behind the clouds, but never quite made it. The temp was mid teens and the ground was soft from the earlier rain. Perfect introduction to this season.

Ultimate Names

Tonight is the first game of the 208 Victoria Ultimate summer league. Yikes. I am definitely out of shape, but I am looking forward to playing again. It is a cool day, and it rained earlier so it should be pretty good conditions on the field. I am going to try and take it easy while I play to just get back into the game. I don’t want to start off this season like the last time I played.

Game time is at 6, and I will likely leave home around 5:15 or so. I want to ride there to warm up, and I want to arrive a little early to meet my team. I only recognize a couple names.

Should be great fun. Almost time to eat some dinner.

Stone Handlers

running, running, running, and jumping

Had another Ulti game last night. It was super windy out so that made the game quite a challenge. You never knew what the disc was going to do once it was in the air. Sometimes it would drop from the sky like a stone, other times it would carry forever.

On our team I am one of the handlers. This means I get the disc a lot, and am responsible for getting to others who are open. This is a bit of a different position for me. I am used to being further away from the disc, and popping from the stack to the handlers. I am learning a lot this season, but still making some silly mistakes.

One thing I have done a few times is when we are on the zone D, and the cup gets broken. As a mid, I tend to chase the disc to the catcher, instead of falling back like I should so I can cut off other passes. It happened a couple times last night, and at least I recognized what I was doing. Next time I need to recognize it before I run in.

One play we were on the offense, and the other team was zoning us. We started on our own goal line, and dropped back into our own end zone. It was tight for a bit, but slowly we marched the disc to the oppositions end zone. Then, the toss to the end zone went off. I held my breath, the disc flew straight to one of my team players, their hands were open, the disc flew in, and it hit the ground. They dropped it. Crud. The other team got it, gave it a huge huck that wasn’t caught, and it was down in our end zone again. For a second time we marched it up the field, slowly but surely. This time we were able to capitalize and scored.

Another point where I was a handler, and we were zoned I mad some really stupid, high risk passes that I totally telegraphed. One made it to the popper, but the second was horrible. I actually hit the person who was checking in the ribs with the disc. I was that far off my mark. Yeesh.

My final point on the night wasn’t the last point in the game. I was chasing my check, who was chasing the disc. We both got under it at around the same time, and we both jumped up. I managed to tap the disc, but a third person (someone from the other team), crashed into me while I was in the air. I hit the ground hard, and something felt weird. I tweaked something in my back. I found it slightly more difficult to breathe. At the end of that point I sat off for a bit. When I next went to rejoin the game I felt a spasm in my back. I never went back in.

This leads to today. My back has been sore all day. It was so bad at work that I left a little early so I could lay on the couch for a bit. That helped but then I had to get up and do some running around. I hate back issues. It makes life almost unbearable at times.

Overstepped Throws

the truck wasn't running, and neither was I

Last night was another Ultimate game. I have been pretty excited about this season. I am on what I think will be a good team. A couple of my teammates I have played with before, and another couple I have played against. I think this will be a fun season.

Last night started the season off on the wrong foot though. I was on for the first point, and even though I had warmed up and stretched I still over did it. I pulled something in my quads. I could feel it before the point was over. I sat off a couple points, then went on for another. It felt like if I overstepped just once it would really aggravate it. After that point I sat off for a bit, but I could tell I wouldn’t be able to play carefully any more that game.

I was pretty disappointed as I took my cleats off. Dammit. It was a good feeling to be disappointed though . It means I made the right decision to play again this season.

Walking back to my truck I knew I made the right decision. Every step sent shots of pain into my thigh. Getting out of my truck was a chore, and shuffling up the stairs was not good.

My plan for next week is to ride my road bike to the game. This should warm me up pretty good so that hopefully I won’t do this again next week.

My brain tells me that I should take it easy, but my body just pushes itself. I remember the speed I used to be able to play at, the moves I used to be able to make, and the throws I used to be able to complete. Things are different now and I need to ease myself back in to the game. I will need to be conscious of this next time. Can’t wait until Wednesday.

Ultimate Registration

looking up the road into the future

Ever since the corporate games Ultimate series I have been thinking about playing again. I first gave it up because I kept injuring myself, and that was hampering my mountain biking. After a break I played a summer league, and although it was fun, I felt I was on a bad team. I didn’t like the captain very much, and that was a big drawback for me.

But I have been thinking about playing again. It has been gnawing at me for a couple of months now.

Well, the other day I got an email that announced that Victoria Ultimate Players Society summer league registration was up and open. Since I have the 24 Hours of Adrenaline in Whistler to train for, I figured I would sign up. The online registraiton was simple and easy. I am all signed up now. I am playing Ulti again, and I am totally looking forward to it. The first game is on May 4. More on this later!