Stunned Breathing

bird on a deck (not bird on a wire)

This poor little guy had a run in with the window of our dining room. I was sitting on the couch when I heard the distinctive noise of bird meeting glass. When I looked up all I saw was a couple feather fluttering about.

I went outside to check up on the poor bird, and he was certainly stunned. I ushered him onto a mat, then put that up high for when he was ready to fly away. When I checked up on him 10 minutes later he was gone. I hope he was alright, as he was on the railing his eyes were half closed, and he was breathing through an open beak.

bird on a deck (not bird on a wire)

Smokey Shards

shards of smokey bone

In honor of Yoshi’s birthday I bought him a new smokey bone, and gave it to him at lunch time. I then left and went back to work.

When I got home, all I found was the above shards. Ack, smokey bones are not supposed to shatter. Suede and I were quite worried. A large percentage of the bone was missing! We quickly called the vet, and scoured the house for the missing parts. The vet suggested that we just needed to watch him closely. Yoshi would either pass the pieces up, down, or they would get lodged. Not good news.

We have been watching him all weekend, and nothing about him seems different, so we are hoping we made it through this one. Scary though. Some of the pieces were very sharp, and I am still concerned that he may have cut something on the inside. One positive is that when Yoshi eats his food he does chew it thoroughly, so maybe the pieces he consumed were small enough to not pose a harm. Keep you fingers crossed.

Integrating Moments

my mind is like a rusty hinge sometimes, squeaky but gets the job done

Today was training day for me at work. The company I work for had bought a large piece of software that I am integrating into the product. It is a large, and very configurable stack, and not easy to figure out on its own. There are thousands of pages of documentation, but slowly it is starting to make sense. With todays training session, and tomorrows, I am have the feeling that I will start making more progress on the integration. I have had a few AHA moments with this software, and I love that feeling when I suddenly get it, and it makes sense (or more sense as the case may be). I hope that the training helps me solidify everything. I have been growing more and more frustrated as the days have dragged on. I can see a light though, and that makes me happy.

Rainy Highlight

vine trying to grow

The photoclub has been a little quiet lately, and that has been my fault. The last shoot was at Craigflower park, and after arriving, I was less that inspired. I didn’t really feel like taking pictures, so we all agreed to call it quits early.

Two weeks ago was supposed to be the last shoot, but I was on Hornby, and neglected to set something up for the rest of the gang.

Tonight was the latest shoot. It was rainy all day long, and it wasn’t looking good. When I got home I noticed the sun was trying to come out, and sure enough it did. The shoot was at Esquimalt Memorial Park, and when I got to the park, only Barry showed up after me. That was alright though, I think I got some nice shots. I love photos of freshly fallen rain. It is extra nice when the sun is out to highlight the rain.

Here are my shots.

Willful Burn

happy doggy

happy doggy

Another fun walk with Yoshi at Macaulay Point Park today. The sun was shining, the sailboats were out in full force, and there were lots of other dogs at the park. We were there for close to an hour I think, and Yoshi had a fun walk, followed by some retrieving in the water. Good times, good times.

wet doggy

At one point I came across a sign that someone had been using for target practice. Not cool. There are houses behind it. What is the point behind such willful destruction?

I hope this was a pellet gun

Along the way home we passed this oak tree whose leaves are starting to turn. I thought it was interesting that they look like they are starting to burn.

Oak Tree leaves starting to turn

Trackside Festivities

TAG in both senses

Saturday night Suede and I joined K and JJ for dinner at Spinnakers, then headed over to the Trackside Art Gallery (TAG) for the unveiling of a bunch more paintings.

The unveiling was quite a big event, withh food, music, firedancing, and the big reveal to top it off. Although we missed most of the festivities, we did catch the important part. It was a very fun evening. The Rock Solid foundation has a very positive effect on the community, and has the backing of a lot of high profile businesses in the area.

The paintings revealed were from people of many age groups, and experience. It was quite impressive to see the paintings of a young child right next to a painting by Robert Bateman.

After all the new paintings were revealed, the four of use headed back to Spinnakers for dessert and another drink. Yum.

Dog Ahead

Yesterday morning I was lounging around trying to wake up. I knew that unless I got going, I would end up spending most of the day on the couch. I thought a dog walk was in order, so I called up Coreman to see what he was up to. Turned out he and Justine were thinking the same thing.

I got changed, grabbed the dog stuff, and the dog, and met up with Coreman, Justine, and OTP. We headed out to Matheson Lake. I had never been there before, so it was a real treat. The trail itself was great, and the views stunning. As the trail makes its way around the lake, it intersects the Galloping Goose a couple times. There are some rather steep sections to tackle, that were simple for the pups, but required a little effort on my part.

Speaking of the pups, OTP and Yoshi got along famously. Yoshi was full of beans, and ran around lots. OTP kept up to him as much as he could. Usually Yoshi will run ahead a bit, then run back to check up. Yesterday he was further ahead than normal, and would stop and wait for us to catch up to him! Silly pup.

After the walk the three of us refuled at My Chosen Café while the pups rested in the truck.

Great wallk. Very enjoyable, and a good kickstart to my day.