Tag: Yoshi
Stuff relating to Yoshi.
Destroyed Items
Every time Yoshi is left alone now, we turn up the couch cushions. This past week Yoshi got up onto the couch, and pawed at out white throw pillows, until he shredded them. There was/is little foam chips all over the couch still. Grrrr.
A few weeks ago we had scrambled eggs for breakfast. We went out, and left the pan on the stove. When we got home he had dragged it off the stove, denting the pan, and putting scrape marks into the teflon. He also left scrape marks on my favorite spatula.
I previously listed his list of destroyed items. Now I am keeping a special page just to list them.
LOTD – Bacon Bubbles
via Blogging Baby
Scared Kick
This is our cat Aphro. She likes this time of year because of the furnace. When she hears it kick in in the morning she jumps off the bed and sits on the vent. Evidently she likes it at night too.
Tormented Bangs
Poor guy.
Last night I was still hearing bangs at 3:30 am. Meaning Yoshi was still antsy at 3:30 am. Up and down the stairs, prancing around outside our bedroom, coming into the bedroom and walking from one side of the bed to the other, heading downstairs and doing laps of the house. Yeesh.
I am very tired today.
Tuesday night will be bad, and then it should end pretty quickly after that. Tuesday can’t come soon enough.
Committed Energy
It feels like it has been forever since I have been mountain biking, and I really want to get out, but today just was not the day. The weather was perfect, I just lacked any energy and my head was still congested. Not very good for riding.
Instead I took Yoshi for a walk at Macaulay Point Park. It was pretty good, but even walking slowly I worked up a huge sweat. Still not over this cold. Yoshi had a great runaround that left him panting and tired. I got outside for some fresh air. Almost like riding? Not really.
Birthday Bud
Happy Birthday Yoshi! Another birthday has arrived and today just is not what you want. Sorry about that bud. I promise you that you will get a walk on your 8th birthday.