Morning Escape

sure footed in the woods

After several days of intense rain, something made me want to go mountain biking. On Friday I told a co-worker that I would definitely be in for a Sunday ride. This morning, seeing the wind and rain almost made me want to change my mind. Instead I perservered and went anyway. It turned out to be a great ride, and I am glad I went.

Taking Yoshi with me, I picked up Mike, met up with another friend of his, then the three of us, and the two dogs piled into my truck on our way to the dump. Yoshi was itching for a big run, and as we left the parking lot I wondered if the weather would hold. The route I took kept us to the lower trails. I chose this specifically so I could keep an eye on my dog to make sure he could handle the exercise. If something were to go wrong I knew I could easily get myself and Yoshi out quickly.

An escape route was never needed. As we rode through the trees, I looked up and saw blue. Turned into quite a nice day after all.

At the end of the ride I was pretty pooped. Yesterday’s yardwork, and today ride have left me quite wiped. It is a great feeling though.

Yoshi did great too. At the start he was running around all over the place, up on the hills, down in the puddles, alongside me, in front of me, and once in a while he lagged behind me. He was pretty slow by the end of the ride, which was nice to see. This afternoon you can hardly tell I have a dog. He has been curled up sleeping the entire day away. He is a little stiff when he gets up though. He might have overdone it a little.

After eating some lunch, and having a long hot shower, all I can think about is a nap. Not today though. I have too many other things I want to do.

Notsonutsy Adult

Just got word that nutsy, er notsonutsy, came through with flying colors. They didn’t use very much general anesthesia which is a great, the anal glands are gone now, but the left one did put up a fight on the way out. Testes are gone too. They had to shave a few patches into him for IV’s and the epidural, so he may look a little funny.

Apparently since he was an adult, he is quite swollen, and looks like he is still intact. We retrieve Yoshi tonight after work. I will be glad when this week is over, and our little furball is all healed up.

I’m sure this is all more info than you really need, but, I am not forcing you to read this am I?

Infected Surgery

the little Yoshi pooper

Something that has been brewing in the background for a while. The past couple years Yoshi has been having some troubles with his anal glands. The glands have been getting infected, and unfortunately for us, Yoshi never displays any of the warning signs that they are bothering him. Each time this occurs we have to take him to the vet to get them expressed. This is a gross procedure that looks very uncomfortable for him. Now, each time we enter the vet’s office, he immediately gets tense and strains to leave. Once we get into the exam room, he moves to the corner and sits.

Poor guy.

Just before our most recent vacation we took Yoshi in to get examined and expressed, only to find out that once again one of the glands was infected. He was put on antibiotics which were administered by the kennel where he stayed while we were away. A follow up exam once we were home revealed that the side that was infected was now fine, but the other gland was now infected. We had a decision to make.

Either we started taking Yoshi to the vet every 3 weeks to get expressed or we could have his glands removed. After deliberating, we have signed Yoshi up for surgery. It wasn’t something we decided to do lightly though. We looked into the complications from the surgery, the after effects of the surgery, and the possible side effects of the surgery.

Thankfully most of the possible side effects are minor or temporary. Also, Yoshi won’t be going under a general anesthetic, which in case you didn’t know, can be dangerous for animals. He will be getting an epidural. I’m not fully sure how that works, but I imagine he will be sedated as well.

While he is going to be there, and undergoing surgery we have also decided to neuter Yoshi. Yes he is intact, but that is mainly so that his previous owner could breed him. He has been bred once but we have no further wishes to have him bred. I love Yoshi, and I am a little concerned about the neutering too. I don’t want him to change. I love him just the way he is, but this really is the best thing for his health.

I know our vets are quite competent, but I am still worried about Yoshi. I know that once he is fully healed he will be a changed dog. I just hope the changes are gradual, and not too drastic. I love the little pooper, but I know we are doing the best thing for his long term health.

Flying Fog

Foggy Yoshi Walk

Saturday I took Yoshi for a walk at the park. Warm sunny day. I was sweating before I even got two blocks from home. Gorgeous blue sky.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

Foggy Yoshi Walk

As always Yoshi enjoyed running around sniffing, peeing, romping, with ears flying out behind him.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

Then we saw the fog, and felt the cool breeze coming in off the water.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

Heading out of the park the fog seemed to follow us.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

We could see it get closer.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

And closer.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

Soon it was on us.

Foggy Yoshi Walk

It was still a very bright out, but the temp had dropped a few degrees. Very unique day for mid october.

Steroid Cone

poor, poor Yoshi

Poor Yoshi. Poor us. We are looking after Sheba for a couple weeks, and normally this is great fun for Yoshi.

Unfortunately for Yoshi, this past Tuesday night, his nuts looked a little funny. Upon closer inspection he had scabby nuts. We had to take him into the vet on Thursday and they think he has some kind of infection on his scrotum. The treatment is a steroid cream that needs to be applied twice daily, and that Yoshi cannot ingest it. This means he needs a cone, and since he has never worn one, and is always a little neurotic anyway, this next week will be a little tough.

This weekend we are going to Cowichan lake with Sheba, Digger, and Chutney. It should be a fun play weekend, but Yoshi will be wearing a cone. Poor guy.

So far he is taking it well, but he certainly doesn’t seem comfortable.

Secluded Garbage

the park I love

Last night, in preparation for this morning, I took Yoshi for a walk at Macaulay Point Park. It is one of our frequent destinations, but that never bothers Yoshi. I wanted him to get a good walk in so we took a meandering route through the small park.

There is a small secluded beach that is in the middle of the park. As Yoshi and I were passing through it, we were greeted with quite the mess. Apparently some people decided to have a party there. They had a big bonfire (still warm and smouldering), and were drinking lots. There were crushed cans littering the beach, bottles, plastic bags, and other debris. I was shocked.

Then I got angry. It pissed me off that some people were really so irresponsible. I don’t mind if they want to party on the beach, just clean up after yourselves.

I used the plastic bags there to pick up all the cans and garbage. I filled 4 plastic grocery bags with crushed cans, bottles, and garbage. I still didn’t get it all.

Grr. I love that park so much, and it angers me greatly when I find something like that. I don’t want to lose that park, so I am willing to go to extra effort to ensure I can keep access to it. Still, it doesn’t make me happy.