Shutting Fee

lillies at the crystal garden

Last night the photo club met to go shoot at the Crystal Garden. Unfortunately a couple members went the wrong day, so there was only 3 of us there for the shoot. I had forgotten how interesting that place is. The butterflies were amazing! It is sad to think that this place will be shutting its doors for good some day. If you are in Victoria, and are looking for a place to get some great photo’s, the entrance fee is definitely worth it.

Photos are here.

Pub Bill

nice table setting in a shop window

Neither Sue nor I was in much of a mood to cook last night so we both agreed to go out for dinner. We headed to the Gorge Point Pub. I must say, that it was one of the best dining experiences I have had in a long time. Withing a couple minutes of sitting down a server came by and dropped off menus. We ordered drinks, they came quickly. The appy arrived, and no soonerhad we finished eating it, the plate was taken away. Our main meals showed up very soon after that.

Once we were finished eating, the dirty plates were taken away quite quickly. The server brought the bill very soon after. This was magic to us since one of our biggest peeves about a restaurant is having to wait forever to get the bill once we are finished eating. When teh server came with the bill I gave it a quick glance then handed over the credit card which was processed quickly.

In all it was a great experience, and the food was very good too.

Wiggly Photographer

yoshi taking a quick breather

After riding, I got home to a very anxious Yoshi. He was all wiggly and annoying because he wanted his turn to play. He needed to get out for a run in a big way, and I didn’t take him riding due to the heat wave we are experiencing. What am I to do. I was exhausted, but the dog needed a walk.

I took him for a walk.

We headed down to Macaulay Point Park and he ran around while I walked slowly. Very, very slowly.

the Stennis

We saw the Stennis which was parked (what is the correct term anyway?) just off the shore. Amazing site. I would love to be able to get a little closer and take some really cool pictures.

Continuing the walk Yoshi ran lots, and lots and lots. Funny dog. At one point I stopped to sit on a bench while he scampered about and chewed on sticks. Strange thing happened while I was sitting there. A crow high up in a tree was cawing at Yoshi for a minute or so, then, as I watched, it swooped down, buzzed within 5 feet of him, circled up, and buzzed him again. The crow then flew back to its tree and continued its noise making.

Me being the photographer that I am, hoped the crow would attempt it again. It did! Below is the shot I got. You can see the black shadow of the crow as it got quite close to the oblivious Yoshi.

yoshi getting buzzed

The rest of the walk was pretty uneventful, and still slow. Very, very slow. I saw some butterflies that I wanted to take some pics of, but every time I moved towards them they flew off. As I was wrapping up the walk, a butterfly came along, and perched on a leaf long enough for me to fire off one shot. Cool!

There are a few more pics here.

Little Burning

nice air mike!

nice air shane!

This morning was a fine ride out at the dump. Shane, Darryll, Mike, myself, and a visiting Stuart all headed out for a spin. It was a little warm, but it was still great to be out there. We took our time heading up, and had lots of fun playing on logs and such.

Our route up was Skull, then Inventive, then up to C-Section. After the Switchbacks, we tracked along Twister, then up to Phase Two, then Dave’s Line. Right at the start of Hot Cherry Stuart had to take off. My back was starting to really bug me so I showed him the way back to the lot.

It was a great ride, and I couldn’t help but notice that I was feeling in pretty good shape. I climbed some hills that a year ago I wouldn’t have been able to climb. Not only that, but my legs weren’t burning. Something I am doing has certainly helped, and I am loving it.

Without further adieu, here are my pics.

Protest Complaints

protesting against CRD

Thursday night myself, Sue and Yoshi joined KaptainK and Digger for a protest organized by Citizen Canine. See the CRD is changing the rules drastically for some of the parks that Yoshi and Digger currently get to enjoy sans leash. The new rules will force dog owners to leash their dogs, or face the fines.

There are numerous reasons why we do not support this. CRD claims that dogs are destroying the vegetation, are harming and fouling the shoreline, are causing too many conflicts with humans, and that the humans are not cleaning up after their dogs.

protesting against CRD

The way I see it is that the CRD has not provided any concrete evidence that the dogs are in fact ruining vegetation. This is a park located next to a large city. It sees a lot of traffic on hot days. It sees lots of humans year round. I am not going to say that dogs are not the culprit, because they may be doing part of it. I do disagree with placing the blame soley on dogs (and that is how it feels to me).

As for dogs harming and fouling the shoreline, again, I can only offer what I have seen, and that is the humans who visit the park are much more destructive than the dogs. Again, my eyes. Neither side of this argument has provided concrete proof to support their case.

I understand that there will be dog vs. human conflicts. There will be conflicts even if dogs are on leash. As I see it, the CRD only receives complaints when there is a conflict. They do not hear the thousands of non conflitcts that occur each year. This leads to the CRD having a tainted view. Personal experience has shown that in the 2.5 years I have walked Yoshi there, I have had probably close to 100 non conflicts, with exactly 1 conflict. To me that is pretty good odds.

If CRD really wanted to encourage dog owners to clean up after their pets, perhaps they should strategically place garbage cans throughout the park. As it is currently there are only cans at the main beaches. I don’t think anyone would want to carry around a stinky bag when going on a 45 minute walk. If owners knew that a can was only a couple minutes away, I am sure more people would clean up.

The other disturbing fact is that the CRD is pushing through these rule changes despite the fact that the experts are advising against it. They didn’t try to fix the problem with education, instead they change the rules, and punish the good dog owners while doing nothing to deter the bad dog owners.

The other disturbing fact is that currently CRD does not have enough funds to enforce the current rules. It is unknown how they will be able to effectively enforce the new rules. It really does seem silly that one of the parks largest user groups is getting punished when no other is.

Opposing Signal

a 4 way light

Today while driving home I witnessed some pure brilliant driving skills. Yup, it was at a 4 way stop. I don’t know about the readers here, but I consider 4 way stops pretty easy to figure out.

One of the nice things that I like to see at a 4 way stop, is that if it makes sense, the opposing lanes can both go at the same time, as long as neither of them are turning left.

Well today a guy in a BMW in front of me gets to the stop line. After the cross traffic goes he starts out into the intersection, but rather slowly. There are no turn signals, and he looks to be going straight through.

The oncoming driver then decides he is going to go. Just as the oncoming driver starts, the BMW guy slams on his brakes and comes to a complete stop in the middle of the intersection, and mouths off to the oncoming driver (he also threw in a couple choice hand gestures). The oncoming driver has a few choice words as well.

The way I see it, the BMW guy definitely should have used a turn signal to let everyone know what he was doing. Also, the other driver should have waited a little longer before starting to really ensure he knew what the BMW guy was doing. Both of them fail the 4 way stop test!

Taco Notch

I headed over to La Fiesta for lunch today. For the record, the 2 soft taco combo is pretty close to enough for 2 people. Add a third taco and you would be there. Yum! It is close to work, and usually pretty quick on the service. Their food is top notch, and for the price, you get huge portiona. Today was the first time I had tried them for lunch, and faced a hefty wait. Never seen that for dinner though.