A rat, a squirrel, and now a mouse. These are all things our 100% indoor cat has caught.

How you might ask? The catio I built allows him free access to the outside and he loves it. I think the unfortunate creatures ventured in without realizing that Jon Snow was lying in wait up above.

I can’t imagine the carnage if he had completely free access to our yard.

Selling things on Facebook Marketplace is a pain
– The default one-click messages don’t really let me know if someone is interested.
– People say they want something, then change their mind and don’t let me know.
– Today I sold a $10 item and the person paid with a roll of quarters.

Unfortunately Facebook has better results than other markets.

Finally got caught up on the WWDC keynote from earlier this week. Some interesting new features coming to the Apple ecosystem. One thing caught my eye, then in the next piece it was fixed. Embarrassing errors indeed.