Sometimes Meatloaf

He is a good dog and he does listen. Sometimes. These shots were taken during dinner last night. Sox and Sprout had gotten up from the table, but Beet and I were still there. Beet was cleaning up her plate and Yoshi came to investigate the plopping on the ground noises. Bits of meatloaf and peas.

To his credit Yoshi looked at me, then stared at the peas for a long time, but he did not make a move on them until I told him he could.

Yes, those are some of the peas on the floor in the second picture.

Escaped Free

Last weekend I returned 2 dogs to their rightful owners. Although this might seem like something that would be out of my way, the dogs had actually escaped from their yards as I was walking past with Yoshi.

The first one was a very friendly little dog named Petal. The gate to Petal’s yard was open and she came out to say hi to Yoshi, then me, then Sprout. I didn’t actually see Petal escape, so I called the number on her collar, and the owner came out of his house to usher her back to the yard.

The next day I was walking Yoshi up to the grocery store, and a block away from Petal, another dog came to say hi to Yoshi. Bruno saw Yoshi, and lunged at him excitedly. He was tied to the stairs, but something broke and Bruno was free. The owner was on her deck playing a guitar and I called up to her to let her know that Bruno was free.

2 days, 2 dogs. Pretty funny.

Overweight Popped

Thursday morning before workI took Yoshi for a walk at Macaulay Point. As we rounded a corner, I could see two other people walking dogs, one coming toward me, the other away.

The one walking away had a rather rotund mix breed that seemed interested in the other dogs. The owner was screaming at his dog to come (it was about 4 feet away). The lady walking toward me muttered something about maybe the dog would follow if it weren’t so overweight.

As I got passed the lady, the man was still yelling at his dog. I couldn’t help but think that if I was the dog I wouldn’t want to come to him either. The man backtracked and put the leash on the dog. As Yoshi and I got close the dog put on the brakes wanting to see Yoshi. The man tried to keep walking, clearly exasperated at his dog. As he tried to drag his dog, the collar popped over the dogs head.

I stopped and waited for the man to retrieve his dog. I actually crouched down and the dog came up to say hi. The owner never said a word to me even when I said Hi to him. With the dog on leash, Yoshi and I continued on our way, happy to be past that miserable man.

Yoshi Thunder

Remember that lightning and thunder I mentioned? Well, it picked up again around 12:30 in the morning.

Yoshi doesn’t like thunder.

Yoshi pushed his way upstairs through a baby gate.

Yoshi barged into my bedroom.

Yoshi made a lot of noise and kept nudging me with his nose. My back actually. It was warm and the duvet was down so he was nudging my bare back. At 12:30 in the morning. Cold, wet dog nose while I am trying to sleep.


Surgery Recommended

Yoshi was in at the vet today for some surgery. He has had a couple lumps growing on his chest for a while but recently they started looking really gross. Our vet was more comfortable removing them than leaving them on so we went for it.

While he was under Yoshi also had his teeth cleaned, and a small part of his gum removed (it was growing down over his tooth). Of course with pets anesthesia is a bit tricky and can be dangerous so it is not an easy decision. He was under once before with no side effects so that helped us a little.

His appetite upon arriving home was normal, and he was quite happy to eat. Less happy to take his antibiotics though. This resulted in him spitting one out a couple times reducing it to a paste which coated my fingers. Yeuck.

One of the after care things we need to do is provide him a soft cushy bed. We also have to prevent him from licking and scratching his incision. The solution recommended was an old t-shirt. Looking good Yoshi!

Curtains Break

After getting everyone in the car after the parade and associated mishap we headed home. Sprout was very tired, and Sox and I just wanted to veg a bit.

Pulling into the driveway Yoshi popped his head out from between our bedroom curtains. That stinker was on the bed. Immediately I suspected we forgot to close the gate. Sox then said she remembers closing it.

My next thought was that he jumped it. In all the years we have had him, he has never jumped a gate we put in his way.

Boy, was I wrong.

Instead Yoshi had chewed part of the wooden permanent child gate enough to break one of the slats, then he pushed his way upstairs!

Result: hairy bed and broken gate. Not a good morning. Now the gate has a huge hole that a childs head could get caught in. Luckily we have another one in our sunroom that we can swap in.

Yoshi Busted

We were out at a playground yesterday, and Yoshi stayed home. We always take the cushions off the couch, otherwise Yoshi will sleep on the couch. Apparently that isn’t a deterrent as we busted him sleeping on the couch. As we pulled into the driveway I saw his head in the window. I snuck up to the window with my trusty camera and snapped a few pictures.

Once satisfied that I had enough evidence to convict him I knocked on the window to wake him. He had the gall to stand on the couch and bark at me, presumably because I woke him up. Nice try Yoshi.

Coughing Training

What can be done for an ageing dog that is getting more and more neurotic? It is getting very frustrating for Sox and I.

Last night we slept in our guest bedroom because Beet is such a loud sleeper. I was getting a good nights sleep until Sprout started coughing. This noise somehow scares Yoshi, so he tries to barge upstairs. This is only one of a half dozen noises that scare Yoshi now, and it is getting worse. For a half hour last night Yoshi was either trying to get upstairs, or trying to get downstairs to get away from the coughing sound. Some nights it is the low battery noise of the cellphone. Sometimes it is something I can’t even hear.

I feel bad for him, and I know he is getting old, but I keep wondering if there is some training that can be done to desensitize Yoshi of these noises.

Flowers Vertically

I walked Yoshi and Duke, Jen’s dog, this past weekend up at Thetis Lake. The trails were covered with these really cool white flowers. We have a couple in our back yard, but they aren’t as nice, nor as plentiful as the ones at Thetis. They were a bit of a challenge to shoot due to the light, and that some of the cool parts of the flower can only be seen by looking vertically. I spent an hour walking dogs, and didn’t spend much time shooting, but I still ended up with some quality shots.